
Being lied to, and not
being able to prove it is
a frustrating position to
be in. ICU offers some
simple tools to help you
prove they are lying to
a Cheating Spouse
ICU Inc. has permanently
discontinued sale of any phone searches.
On January 12th 2007
President Bush signed H.R. 4709 The Telephone Records and
Privacy Protection Act of 2006. It is now illegal to sell,
transfer, or possess confidential phone records.
Confidential phone records are defined in the act as:
information relating to the the quantity, technical
configuration, type, destination, location, or amount of use
of a service offered by a phone company.
The Telephone Records and
Privacy Protection Act of 2006 also includes an
"Extraterritorial Jurisdiction" clause which prohibits
foreign companies like ICU from selling or reselling any
telephone records.
ICU Inc. has permanently
discontinued sale of any phone searches. Since it is a
felony to sell or resell such records, the act of soliciting
us to sell you phone records would also be illegal. Please
do not call our offices to discuss telephone searches. We
will terminate the call. Your caller ID data will be turned
over to the proper authorities.
that your spouse / mate is cheating on you, but not
being able to prove it is a very frustrating situation
to be in.
ICU Inc.
offers you some simple tools to help you determine if
your spouse is being faithful or running around.

You Deserve to know the truth |
ICU Inc. used to offer a
variety of products designed to help people catch a cheating
spouse. Buying or selling someone else's telephone records
is illegal and under no circumstances will ICU sell anyone's
telephone records.
If The Telephone Records and
Privacy Protection Act of 2006 is repealed or amended to
allow spouses to obtain telephone records of their spouse,
ICU will immediately post all of our telephone search
products again. You can write
your senator or congress person and ask them to re-write or
repeal The Telephone Records and
Privacy Protection Act of 2006.
Hiring a
private investigator to tail your spouse is really your only
way to prove that your spouse is cheating on you. Hiring a
private investigator can be a long and expensive process.
The telephone record searches ICU previously offered were
fast, accurate and affordable.
Volume Discounts!
Save on listed prices by sending ICU Inc. 5 or more asset searches
or other investigation requests at one time.
Substantial discounts offered on
groups of 20 or more asset searches or investigations.
Most of our customers are large
volume law firms, banks, collection agencies, and repossession
companies. We can handle any volume, large or small.
Please call ICU Inc. for a price
quote on your portfolio today.
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Cheated, Cheating, Cheater, Cheaters, Private Investigators, P.I.,
Private Detectives, Cheating Spouse, Unfaithful Spouse, Detective,
Private Eye, Spousal Spying, Catch Cheating Spouse, Catch Cheater,
Cheaters Caught, Spy On My Spouse, Spouse Watcher, Spy Service, Spy,
Catch a Cheating Spouse, Track cheating spouse, Telephone Toll Call
Records, Long Distance Call Records, Confidential Private
Investigations, Phone Breaks, Telephone Breaks, Cellular Telephone
searches, Cell Phone Toll Call Records, Investigative Consultants,
Information Services, Telephone Searches, Find Missing Spouses,
Locating, telephone numbers, Locate Spouse with Cell Phone, Phone
Breaks, Phone Number Tracing, Phone Tracking, Prove They Are Lying,
Catch Liar, Bust Liar, Bust Cheating Lover Cheat, Cheats,
Cheated, Cheating, Cheater, Cheaters, Private Investigators, P.I.,
Private Detectives, Cheating Spouse, Unfaithful Spouse, Detective,
Private Eye, Spousal Spying, Catch Cheating Spouse, Cheating Spouse, signs of a cheating husband Spy Service, Spy,
Catch a Cheating Spouse, Track cheating spouse, Telephone Toll Call
Records, Long Distance Call Records, Cheating Spouse, signs of a cheating husband
Investigations, Phone Breaks, Telephone Breaks, Cellular Telephone
searches, Cell Phone Toll Call Records, Investigative Consultants,
Information Services, Telephone Searches, Find Missing Spouses,
Locating, telephone numbers, Cheating Spouse, signs of a cheating husband
Breaks, Phone Number Tracing, Phone Tracking, Prove They Are Lying,
Catch Liar, Bust Liar, Bust Cheating Lover Cheat, Cheats,
Cheated, Cheating, Cheater, Cheaters, Private Investigators, P.I.,
Private Detectives, Cheating Spouse, Unfaithful Spouse, Detective,
Private Eye, Spousal Spying, Catch Cheating Spouse, Catch Cheater,
Cheaters Caught, Spy On My Spouse, Spouse Watcher, Spy Service, Spy,
Catch a Cheating Spouse, Track cheating spouse, Telephone Toll Call
Records, Cheating Spouse, signs of a cheating husband Confidential Private
Investigations, Phone Breaks, Telephone Breaks, Cellular Telephone
searches, Cell Phone Toll Call Records, Investigative Consultants,
Information Services, Telephone Searches, Find Missing Spouses,
Locating, telephone numbers, Locate Spouse with Cell Phone, Phone
Breaks, Phone Number Tracing, Phone Tracking, Prove They Are Lying,
Catch Liar, Bust Liar, Bust Cheating Lover |